Founder / CEO

Being raised by a single mom, I know firsthand how hard we struggled. My mom and grandparents never let me see the struggle, but as I got older, I understood better. I knew if I could help someone like me, I would be paying it forward. My life is nothing short of a journey. I’ve always kept GOD first, and He has always made a way out of no way. The blessings that have been bestowed upon me are tremendous. 

So, as I help students along their college journey, it brings me joy. I don’t do this for fame or recognition. I do this to simply give back and to give students hope. Hope that there’s more out there than just Pittsburg. I hope that they one day can give back, just as I am doing. Hope that they can become whatever they want and dream to be. Hope that someone just like them made it and is living proof that you can be successful coming from Pittsburg High School. Hope that you determine your success, not your neighborhood, the color of your skin, family traditions, and/or the town you grew up in. 

I’ve gone from 2 scholarship recipients in 2019 to 10 scholarship recipients in 2023. I’ve personally given more than $12,000.00 to help students thus far. In late 2022, I created a 501c3 non-profit. I’m determined to have this organization provide a scholarship to every deserving applicant. With the help of my 501c3 non-profit, I can now seek financial assistance from those who wish to help. 
Thank you,

William Michael Murdoch
Founder/ President/CEO
Tax ID#92-0531899

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